by Admin | Apr 2, 2019 | Al-Shabab, FRONTPAGE, HISSPo, Horn of Africa, Incidents, Somalia, Yool
Summary Business in Somalia is shaped by security and governance issues. Major businesses in the country started their journey during the darkest days of the civil war. They adapted to the situation and helped lay the groundwork for the recovery of the Somali state by...
by Admin | Apr 2, 2019 | Al-Shabab, FRONTPAGE, Incidents, Yool
Dulmar Guud Ganacsiga Soomaaliya waxaa aalaaba xukuma xaaladda amni iyo midda dowladeed. Ganacsiyada waaweyn ee dalku waxay halgankooda soo billaabeen xilliyadii ugu madoobaa ee dagaalkii sokeeye. Waxay la qabsadeen xaaladaha waxayna ka qeyb qaateen asaaska soo...
by Admin | Mar 3, 2019 | FRONTPAGE, Incidents
Dulmar Guud Rubuc sanadeedkii u dambeeyay 2018 waxaa sii kordhayay dilalka toogashada ah iyo kuwa bombada dhajiska ah ee Kooxda Al-Shabaab, iyadoo ay hoos u dhaceen tirada weerarada tooska ah ee lala beegsado dowladda iyo fadhiyada ciidammada ay bahda yihiin....
by Admin | Feb 27, 2019 | FRONTPAGE, Incidents
Summary The last quarter of 2018 saw an increase in Al-Shabab assassinations by pistol and sticky IEDs, and a reduction in direct attacks on government and allied bases. This trend started earlier in the year, with each quarter seeing a reduction in direct attacks and...
by Admin | Nov 7, 2018 | FRONTPAGE, Incidents
Summary Faced by an increasingly lethal air campaign by Somalia’s allies, Al-Shabab (AS) was forced to change its tactics. In the third quarter of 2018, the aggregate tempo of AS attacks slightly slowed down compared to the second quarter of the year. It was...
by Admin | Jun 26, 2018 | Incidents
Ramadan is the month in which Al-Shabab traditionally aims to increase the tempo of its operations. The group has usually managed to do so, even when it has faced internal problems, as a way to raise morale. However, Ramadan 2018 saw the number of spectacular attacks...
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